Lottery999 TVs will be won randomly by NMTV community.The lottery will be held on fridays for 10 weeks and limited to 1/ NFTs not sold yet 2/ One ETH address per person Giveaways → 9 NFTs available for FREE on OPENSEA to 9 first people who transfer them. Then 99 NFTs to win weekly: → 90 NFTs from #1 to #90, then from #101 to #190..etc. → 9 NFTs from the ones added to favorites on OPENSEA.
How to participate 1/ Follow us on Twitter. 2/ Set "Minimum Bid Threshold" to zero in OPENSEA notification settings. 3/ Reply on Twitter to the weekly tournament post with your wallet address and why not share you favorite NomoreTV NFT.
Winning rulesEach NFT will be available for FREE on Opensea as a "special offer" to 3 followers and the fastest of them to transfer it will get it.It's possible to receive multiple "special offers" the same week.The more NoMoreTV you own, the higher chance you get to win new NFTs.